Week of 1/29-2/2

Good Morning Grizzlies!

This week, we do not have a fun Google Slides attachment, because we are spending the whole week doing ACCESS testing.
Here are a few things to know:

1) Testing is done IN CLASS for ELD students that have Mrs. Hines as a teacher

2) The schedule is:
-Monday-Listening test
-Tuesday-Reading test
-Thursday-Writing test

-Friday-Speaking test

3) If  a student is absent for testing, I will need to pull them first thing the next morning to complete that testing portion. They WILL have to miss other classes.

Wednesday will be a HOMEWORK day for students to get their grades and missing assignments completed in their OTHER classes.
We have NO homework in ELD class this week! Wahoo!
Thanks and have a great week! :)
~Mrs. Hines
